You can send the following commands to MsgFiler 4 using AppleScript.
reload mailboxes: Reload mailboxes. Returns true if the mailboxes were loaded properly or false.
play filing sound: Play the filing sound. Returns true if the sound was played.
select message down: Select the message down in the message viewer. [1]
select message up: Select the message up in the message viewer. [1]
collapse conversation: Collapse the conversation in the message viewer. [1]
expand conversation: Expand the conversation in the message viewer. [1]
update mailboxes (mailbox list): Sends a complete list of mailboxes to display in MsgFiler 4. Used internally to generate the list of mailboxes shown in the app.
gmail account filing mode: Get an account-specific Gmail filing method setting. Direct parameter is the name of the account.
Additional Notes
Requires that the MsgFiler Filing Script is installed and activated.
Last updated